• The child must bring the school diary daily.
  • No child shall leave the classroom without the class pass/activity pass..
  • Students should be regular and punctual.
  • Students must attend the school in proper, neat and well-ironed uniform as wearing uniform is our self-esteem. Wearing I-Card is compulsory.
  • Students must keep the school and classrooms clean. Fine will be imposed causing damage to the school property.
  • Develop a habit of doing homework on daily basis and also submit all assignments the concerned teachers on time.
  • The students should greet teachers, elders & parents in a pleasant and audible tone of voice.
  • All pupils are expected to be present in the morning assembly.
  • Students are forbidden to bring any valuable items [costly watches, jewellery, electronic gadgets etc.). The school will not be responsible for any goods or money lost in the school premises.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a dignified and responsible manner school premises. No physical violence or verbal violence will be tolerated in the school. The violation of school rules will be viewed seriously.
  • Cycles must be parked in an orderly manner.
  • Students should obey house prefects, class monitors and other students on duty.
  • Students found using unfair means during the examination will be marked zero.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to bring or consume any kind of alcoholic or intoxicated product. Those who are caught with any evidence will be expelled from the school.
  • Students must reach the school campus five minutes before the first bell for morning assembly.
  • Involvement of a student in any unhealthy friendship or indecent relationship with a person of the opposite sex will lead to his dismissal from the school.
  • The child should speak in English in the school premises.
  • Queue up while moving for assembly, library, music room, labs etc.
  • Students should value the time as it does not wait for anybody.
  • Students should enter the school with great desire to learn. Zenith should be their ultimate achievement
  • Simplicity, courtesy and spirit of harmony should be their reflections